Our group of friends is pretty large and has lots of awesome chicks in it! One of the girls in the group (and also the photographer for our great engagement pics) thought it would be fun to start at monthly supper club! This turned into a brilliant idea that we were all so excited about! I present to you... the Hungry Hungry Bitches club (HHBC)!
We meet the first Wednesday of each month at a different hostess house. Each host prepares a meal plan and the main dish. The hostess with the mostest for that month then shoots an email out with the details and what other dishes, sides and of course, lots of wine are needed and we all sign up for what to bring. We've had two meetings of the HHBC so far this year, with our second meeting last night held at Marzanne's house! Last night was a smaller gathering of the HHBC but fun none-the-less. Our menu last night was BBQ Chicken, Spoon Cornbread, Salad with feta dressing, Broccoli salad, yummy cheese puffs and of course...bottles of wine!
Not only do we have this killer logo (thanks, Hungry Bitch Katie!), we also have a nice mantra we say before the meal (thanks, Hungry Bitch Almost Tesnar!) that goes a little something like this!
Hungry Bitch Katie also set up a blogsite for us to keep track of photos, recipes and stories. Check it out, you never know when you need something yummy to cook for dinner! While I can't admit to the fact that all the food that we have is *healthy*, it sure as heck is delicious!
I hope you do something like this with your friends, if not...start! It's a great way to catch up on life and have some serious girl time! We've already got ours booked up through March!

I absolutely LOVE this idea!!!!
This is an awesome idea!
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