
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Big Year Ahead...New Years Resolutions

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Every year in the final days before the next year approaches, I write down things that I'd "like" to do in 365 days ahead and typically I rarely accomplish at least half of my list! This year I'm putting my foot down and I'm going to get my list all checked off. Here's what I've set aside for myself for New Years Resolutions in 2012. 

1. Lose weight and feel confident in my body again. I would like to drop 10-15lbs and 2 dress sizes. To do this I'm going to have to be consistent with my eating habits and work-outs and overall, not beat myself up if the scale says one thing as far as a number but my clothing size says another. 

2. PR my half marathon time. I finished my first half in 2:56. Not exactly stellar but I did that without training hardcore and proper nutrition. If I increase my training and make it effective as well as be consistent with my eating and training (see #1), I am bound to cut my time down. My goal is to finish Rock and Roll Nashville in 2:30! 

3. Finish my first triathlon (Irongirl on May 20th in Atlanta) with a great time! Since my hubby is a rockstar triathlete, the training plan will be strict and intense but not lacking fun and excitement. I can't wait to race alongside some of my friends and few hundred other athletes! 

4. Be more confident in my job! This one will take some time but I know in the next 365 days it'll happen. This past year I went from a supporting role to being the main role in my gig as a Product Manager. It's been a lot of stress and a strong learning curve but nonetheless, exciting and challenging. I can only hope to be more effective in my job and become better at what I do.

5. Invest in my friends and family. Even though my parents and brother/sis-n-law live a short 20 minutes away, I need to be better about going to visit and hanging out with them. On top of that I definitely need to keep investing in my friends and making sure that the right people are in my life.

Overall, think all of these are going to be checked off at the end of 2012, perhaps even before! What's on your list?

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Year in Review

As the final days of 2011 are upon us, I have found myself thinking about all the stuff that's transpired in the last 365 days. I started 2011 as a stressed out Bride to Be and am finishing 2011 as a married woman who has accomplished so many things with a much more enriched life!

The biggest change of 2011 was going from an Evans to a Morris. Mike and I have been married now for almost 8 months. So hard to believe that perfect day  and party was such a while ago. All the planning, stressing and joy ended in bliss. People always ask "So, how do you like being married" and I graciously answer,'s no different for us! Things fell into place just fine post our amazing honeymoon in Hawaii and we've really been in the "married" groove ever since. I couldn't ask for a more supportive, thoughtful, encouraging and fantastic husband and I certainly wouldn't trade being a wife for anything in the world.

On top of getting married, I got to watch some of my favorite people tie the knot and get engaged. To all my friends who share 2011 as their newlywed year, congrats and to all of our friends who are engaged and have dates set for the future, we can't wait to celebrate with you!

Also this year, Mike and I took some fun trips with friends and I went on my first cruise! We had an absolute blast and can't wait until 2012's adventures with this group of friends!So far we've already got a trip to go skiing, gambling and another big trip ahead. But before we can get into any of that, we have to close out 2011 and ring in 2012 with 10 of us and 4 dogs at a cabin in the mountains! Can't wait to see what else 2012 brings!

I also had a fabulous year with some great friends. I made further investments in my friends, 2 of which I've had longer than 16 years, as well as made some great new ones who have added such fun and joy to my life. I've not only made friends who make me laugh, teach me about wine and everything else under the sun but also encourage me to be healthy and get my run on! I'm beyond happy to say that I far exceeded my expectations of running and completed one HUGE accomplishment.... I FINISHED MY FIRST HALF MARATHON! I loved it so much that I have even already signed up for another half in 2012 as well as considering at least one more to round out next year. Who knows, maybe in 2013 I'll even run a full...but don't get set on that! Not only did I complete my first half marathon, Mike finished his first Ironman and he did FANTASTIC! All his hard work definitely payed off!

Queen K can't be left out of this update, she actually turned 1 this year! So sad that our puppy baby is growing up! She brings Mike and I so much joy and we can't imagine life without her. On top of her turning 1 this year, she also underwent some surgery a few weeks ago. She had to have major knee surgery and attend doggie physical therapy, yes, it really does exist...but she has really come out on the other side and is almost 100% healed!

On top of all of this, work has kept me super busy with a lot more responsibility. Our health has been great, both of our families are doing well and 2011 was a pretty darn good year. I'm so excited to see what 2012 has in store for us!

Cheers to a healthy and prosperous 2012!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Stuff Girls Say

These videos have been floating around the internet the past week or so and I died laughing when I watched each of them! If you're a female, you can relate. If you're a male, you know it's true! Can't wait to see what else they come up with!


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12 Days of Running, er I mean Christmas

Saw this on Twitter earlier today and thought I'd share. Currently I'm experiencing a few of these!

  • On the 1st day of running, running gave to me... calf cramps.
  • On the 2nd day of running, running gave to me... blisters.
  • On the 3rd day of running, running gave to me... IT band pain.
  • On the 4th day of running, running gave to me... bad weather.
  • On the 5th day of running, running gave to me... one bum knee.
  • On the 6th day of running, running gave to me... lame cat calls.
  • On the 7th day of running, running gave to me... black toenails.
  • On the 8th day of running, running gave to me... plantar fasciitis.
  • On the 9th day of running, running gave to me... 4am wake-up calls.
  • On the 10th day of running, running gave to me... side stitches.
  • On the 11th day of running, running gave to me... worn out shoes.
  • On the 12th day of running, running gave to me... prescription for rest.


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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome, December...How The Heck Did You Get Here So Fast!

Holy moly tomorrow is December 1st. Where on earth has this year gone? Time for Christmas trees, lights, gifts and tons of holiday parties but not without the start of the Season and the Tree Lighting at Macy's!
Macys Tree after it was lit and the fireworks show!
Mike, Lauren and I closed out Thanksgiving and welcomed Christmas at the Macy's Tree Lighting down at Lenox Mall. I've lived in Atlanta since 1991 and have NEVER gone so I was really excited about attending this year, sore legs and all from running the half marathon earlier in the day. It was chilly, but not too bad and at best, packed with a bunch of festive fools who didn't have a whole lot of manners but at least were jolly.
with Lauren
struggling to stand post half marathon!
Guess I should start my Christmas shopping...Only 26 days left to get it all done and I haven't really even started considering what to get! OY VEY!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Proof of the Pudding...13.1 DONE!

I got the fire to sign up for my first half marathon a few months ago, 3 months ago to be exact. I wasn't entirely sure what this would entail other than long runs on Saturdays and some pain along the way. Boy was I right. I trained each Saturday (sometimes Sunday) with my awesome group of running girlfriends, including the fabulous Nicole, and sometimes I ran those long miles alone. I skipped out on and ran out of time for my short week day tempo runs so I pretty much was banking on these long runs getting me through the race. Probably not the best idea

The final weekend before I was supposed to clock 10 miles but could only do 7 as re-injury to my foot set in and so did the mental angst. With 9 miles as my longest training run, it was now or never when Thursday morning rolled around and I suited up to run. 

The girls and I decided to hit up Big Peach Running Company  for some of their signature 'RunATL' shirts for the race. In addition to my 'RunATL' shirt, I donned my trusty fuel belt, race number, iPod shuffle and favorite Lululemon tights. I laced up my slightly worn out K.Swiss kicks and was ready to go. It was a bit chilly but by mile 3 the gloves and ear warmers were safely tucked away as I cruised the streets of Atlanta with the finish line in my thoughts. My sweet hubby kept pace and ran with me the whole way. It was such a motivator to have someone to talk to, keep pace with and remind me when it's time to eat since I usually forget! Miles 1-8 seemed to breeze by and I was feeling great. Mile 9-11 were another story! I hit my mental block and knew that post mile 9 was uncharted territory for me and my legs. I hunkered down, gave myself a pep talk and kept pushing. My plan of run 4, walk 1 slowly went to run 1 walk 3. I knew my plan of finishing in 2:45 was on the horizon but as mile 11 approached and my pace was still slower than before, my hope of finishing in that time dwindled and I then just knew I had to do it in under 3 hours. I pushed through mile 11 thanks to some awesome tunes and then through mile 12. I crested the hill and could see the finish around the bend. 

Tears filled my eyes and my pace increased as I trotted towards that finish line, clock reading under 3 hours...2:56 to be exact. I felt like collapsing after finishing but happily put my medal around my neck and smiled for pictures. I was so thankful to be done and so beyond proud of myself for my accomplishment! 
I can't express my thanks enough to all my friends and family who encouraged me the whole way from signing up to watching me cross the finish. 

So, who's running the next one with me?!

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Stayin Alive

Dont fret, I'm still here!

Work and life have kept me ultra busy but I have vowed (to myself of course) to get back to blogging! Here's what you've missed but I'll tell you more about later.....

-our newest nephew arrived, Baby Trevor, on October 20th! Currently I'm writing this from Phoenix, AZ as we're here to visit him!
-my hubby finished Ironman Florida a few weeks ago
-work is kicking my tail
-I'm stoked my LA bestie, Brit, will be home for part of Christmas
-Mike and I have been married almost 7 months
-Nicole started blogging
-Miss Kona had surgery

And last but not least...

Gotta go hang with the kiddies but promise to dive into these topics sooner than later! Happy Holiday Season

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Favorites

these are a few of my favorite {fall} things ....

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                                                             HAUNTED HOUSE
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                                                                 CANDY CORN
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                                                             PUMPKIN CARVING
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What are your favorite fall things!?

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Monday, October 17, 2011

37 days until I run the longest race of my life (to date that is). 37 more days of training and mental toughness to prepare myself for 13.1 miles on Thanksgiving morning. 37 more days to debate what to wear. 37 more days to prove to myself that I have what it takes to not only run, but finish a half marathon.

I have been training for about a month now in preparation for what Thanksgiving morning has to offer me. My longest training run to date was this past weekend at 7 miles. I felt great post run and could have gone longer, which leads me to believe that I really am going to be able to do this. My 3 day a week training runs have varied from 3 miles during the week up to 7 on the weekends and at a pace of 9  minutes to 11.5 minutes depending on the day, time and weather. My goal is to run a 2 hour and 30 minute race but to be quite honest, I'd be happy with just finishing!

Never did I think that I was a runner. I'm certainly not built to run. I don't have long legs or a lean body, I have short legs and am stacked like a tree, however I've pushed myself both mentally and physically to get to that 7 mile mark and over the next month I'll be training up to 10 miles and then in a mere 37 days I'll be testing out what I've learned and trained for to bring home that medal and prized shirt. Most importantly, I'll be bringing home joy, pride and 100% believe in myself that if I put my mind to something, I can do it.

If it wasn't for my awesome friends, running mates (and post running breakfast buddies), husband and family, I wouldn't be where I am today nor would I be looking towards the future and finishing this race.


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Monday, October 10, 2011

Meet Bubba...

8 cups of water is the daily suggested water intake for humans. That's 64 ounces of water PER day...448 ounces per week! Holy Cow that's a whole lot of water! To make my intake of pure h2o easier, I've purchased a new helper. Meet Bubba.

Bubba here holds a smashing 52 ounces ... that's almost 7 cups of water in just 1 keg! My goal is to fill  Bubba up in the morning and drain it by the time I leave my office. I got my Bubba online at their handy store, but I know you can find them in some retail locations around the country. They come in all shapes, quantities and colors. Here's a cool fact, not only do they hold cold liquid, but also hot!

Here's to a hydrated Monday!
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Yummy in Your Tummy

For our HHBC this month, the theme is Fall! I picked a dessert to make and of course knew exactly what to bring. The Evans Family favorite...Kentucky Derby Pie!

My mom has been making this dessert for as long as I can remember and she graciously passed down this yummy in your tummy recipe!
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1 cup light corn syrup
  • 2 tbs bourbon or whiskey
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate morsels
  • 2 nine inch pie shells

  1. Combine butter, sugar and corn syrup
  2. Add bourbon and eggs; mix well
  3. Fold in nuts and chocolate
  4. Pour into pie shells
  5. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. 
  6. Chill and serve with ice cream or cool whip! 
Kentucky Derby Pie is a great compliment to any holiday dinner or dessert for a group of friends! I hope you enjoy!

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Custom Team Morris Shirts

Mike was quite adamant about getting custom t-shirts for his approaching Ironman in Panama City, FL. He was bound and determined to find a place online that made low quantity and custom design. Thankfully, we came across CustomInk! Their site was easy to use and so far, no complaints. Not to mention they do single orders all the way up to bulk orders for big groups! Ours turned out to be just under $30 for a shirt...not too bad! 
Our custom shirts should arrive next week. Can't wait to see what the finished product looks like and to rock it November 5 as Mike competes in his first FULL Ironman.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Hello, October

I am not 100% sure how in the world we've ended up in October. I can't believe the leaves are starting to change, the weather is getting nicer and I'm currently wearing a scarf. But alas, it is true.

So far, October hasn't been so bad. Here's why.

Miss Kona turned 1 on October 1st. It's hard to believe our precious poodle baby is already a year old! To celebrate her birthday, Miss Kona enjoyed a delicious Frosty Paw and some hangout time with Mommy and Daddy!
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The Crimson Tide is now 5-0. While I was a little nervous at the start of the game this past weekend against the Gators, my beloved Tide pulled off a great victory and are now sitting in the #2 spot in the rankings. Way to go BAMA!

My Half Marathon training is right on track. I logged 5 miles yesterday on a slightly hilly course but post run felt great! This week I'm looking to log a total of 13 miles with my longest run being on Saturday at 6 miles. Thank goodness when I get finished with these longer runs I have my awesome Zoot Compression socks to put on! They are truly amazing!

I've also joined Weight Watchers in hopes to drop the rest of these unwanted pounds sooner than later. So far, I'm down 2lbs last week and a total of 1.2lbs overall. I've been trying to make real adjustments in my eating habits but know that there will be days (usually Saturdays) that I just go all out and eat whatever I want. I really try to keep my eating and working out on track all week long so that on my 'cheat' days I don't feel so bad!

There's still 28 days left in this month and I'm really hoping that the first 3 will be indicative of the rest. Here's to looking forward to sweaters, more scarfs, more victories for the Tide, strong runs and pounds lost.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

The High Seas

Earlier in September 10 of us took to the high seas aboard Royal Caribbeans Majesty of the Seas! We headed out on a 4 night 5 day cruise to Nassau, CocoCay and Key West. Here's a quick photo recap of the trip!

our cruise directors Nelson and Morris
hanging out in Ft. Lauderdale before the cruise
gnome...who doesn't love one?!
at the dueling piano bar in Ft. Lauderdale
with my hubby!
getting in the Hummer limo to head to the port in Miami
in the limo
the boys
Sr. Frogs in Nassau
Captains speech
pre dance party
in Key West
scooter crew!
southernmost point in the US!
last dinner before heading home...such a great trip!
We had so much fun on this trip! Can't wait to travel with this crew again this upcoming February to Park City, Utah for some skiing and snowball fights! 

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